Kim Smith
Kim Smith is a long time member of Authors by Design and writes in a variety of genres
including her bestselling mystery series featuring Shannon Wallace
available at Red Rose Publishing. She has several short romances there as well. Her YA time travel can be found on Amazon and is called A Mirror in Time. To learn more about Kim Smith visit her at her blog Writing Space where she always has something informative and fun for writers and readers alike.

Buried Angel: Shannon Wallace Mysteries: Book Two:
When Shannon and Dwayne are hired to videotape mysterious goings-on in the local cemetery in South Lake, Mississippi, they find more than just old tombstones, including a "plot" that has nothing to do with the dead!
When Shannon and Dwayne are hired to videotape mysterious goings-on in the local cemetery in South Lake, Mississippi, they find more than just old tombstones, including a "plot" that has nothing to do with the dead!
Crooked Angel: Shannon Wallace Mysteries: Book Three:
Shannon and Dwayne have to track down a missing teacher when she is the leading person of interest in the murder of a local man. But this time, their cop buddy, Sal Ramirez, is too busy to bail them out of trouble, and the way it looks, school may be out for them all.
Shannon and Dwayne have to track down a missing teacher when she is the leading person of interest in the murder of a local man. But this time, their cop buddy, Sal Ramirez, is too busy to bail them out of trouble, and the way it looks, school may be out for them all.

What would you do if you discovered ... A Mirror in Time? Leading lady-Carly Jean (CJ) Simms thinks she'd like to live in the era of her school play, Buttermilk Hill. It takes place during the War Between the States and she thinks being a lady of the manor would be very cool. She hopes to pull off the performance of a lifetime and win the drama award. The only thing keeping her from it is her mother who needs her at home to take care of her baby brother and aging grandfather. Leading man-Josh Jamison has problems of his own. He wants to join the army but has found no support from his father. Josh doesn't understand what the big deal is. When his best friend tries to convince him that he's making a mistake, he turns a deaf ear. Paired with CJ in the school play, he thinks his luck is finally turning. Maybe his performance as a soldier in the play will win the drama award and a little respect from everyone. CJ and Josh pin all their hopes on that prestigious drama award. If they could just find some way to insure their success...
A mirror in time is a pretty good book. Several students have read it from off my classroom's bookshelves.